Weight Loss and Diet

Five Plus Program

Why do so many people struggle with managing their weight? The truth is our daily habits are controlled by our subconscious with associations related to what, when, and how we eat. Changing your daily routines can be hard because it’s the unconscious mind which is the driving force behind your actions and behaviors. We use hypnosis to align your goals with healthy habits and a positive mindset.

Weight control is complicated because of all the different variables which contribute to one’s overall health. It’s not just diet and exercise that help manage weight, but also sleep and stress. So we designed an easy to follow guide which centers around these 4 keys for a balanced healthy lifestyle.

4 Pillars for a Positive Lifestyle

  • Nutrition

    Develop a positive relationship with food, overcome emotional eating, and adopt a sustainable diet that nourishes your body and mind.

  • Exercise

    Overcome any mental barriers that have hindered your progress, allowing you to develop a consistent exercise routine that boosts your energy, strengthens your body, and improves overall well-being.

  • Sleep

    Develop healthy sleep habits, and conquer any underlying factors contributing to insomnia or poor sleep quality. Wake up feeling refreshed, revitalized, and ready to conquer the day ahead.

  • Stress

    Learn powerful hypnosis techniques to help you manage and alleviate stress. Through personalized sessions, you will learn effective stress management strategies, develop emotional resilience, and create a profound sense of inner peace.

The Top Sport Advantage

Customized Approach

We understand that each individual is unique, requiring personalized attention and guidance. Our program is tailored to your specific needs, focusing on your goals, challenges, and motivations.

Mental Resilience

Losing weight is not just about physical effort, but also mental resilience. Our program empowers you with techniques to overcome cravings, emotional eating, and self-sabotage. By reprogramming your subconscious mind, you develop a healthier relationship with food and gain the mental strength to make better choices.

Sustainable Lifestyle Changes

Unlike fad diets and short-term fixes, the Five Plus Weight Loss Program aims to create lifestyle changes that last a lifetime. We equip you with a template for effective strategies to make healthier food choices, rekindle your love for physical activity, and maintain a balanced approach to weight management. You'll gain the tools to create healthy habits and knowledge to sustain your weight loss and enjoy a healthier lifestyle even after completing the program.

Continual Support

At Top Sport Hypnosis, we believe that continual support is crucial for long-term success. We will be with you every step of the way, providing ongoing guidance and motivation. Whether it's through regular check-ins or access to online resources, we are committed to ensuring your success.

Holistic Approach

Our program goes beyond just weight loss. We take a holistic approach that focuses on improving overall well-being. Through hypnosis, we address stress, self-esteem, body image issues, and other factors that impact weight management. This comprehensive approach ensures that you achieve not only a healthier body but also a happier and more confident self.

The Power of Choice

Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives- choice, not chance, determines your destiny
— Aristotle

We are dedicated to helping you break free from unhealthy habits and establish new ones that support a balanced and sustainable weight. Through our specialized hypnosis techniques, we will guide you on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, enabling you to make conscious choices that align with your health goals.

Hypnosis has been proven to be effective in promoting weight management by addressing the root causes of unhealthy eating habits and emotional triggers. Our tailored hypnosis sessions will help you develop a positive mindset, reinforce your motivation, and reprogram your subconscious mind to make healthier choices effortlessly.

Record your progress with our 5 Plus Toolkit. The guide includes everything necessary to keep you on track including weekly charts, journals, and a profile page to reframe your new identity. This program is centered around choice, sustainable change, and a holistic view of a positive lifestyle. So it’s not just about weight loss, but creating healthy habits to match your goals. This modern mind shift eliminates fad diets and lets you choose the path that's right for you.

Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction
— John F. Kennedy