Sport Performance

What’s your advantage?

Top Sport Hypnosis has developed a comprehensive program that combines the power of hypnosis with cutting-edge sports psychology techniques to give you the competitive edge you've been searching for.

One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.
— Arthur Ashe

Sport psychology with hypnosis

Top Sport Hypnosis uses visualization and imagery to condition the mind for calm and relaxed concentration for peak performance to eliminate any self-doubt or outside distractions. We teach and start to build these techniques by introducing anchors and self—hypnosis which allows players to use these skills independently before, during, and after competition.


Visualizing success is a powerful technique employed by top athletes worldwide. When combined with hypnosis, the power of visualization becomes even more potent. During hypnosis sessions, we guide you through detailed mental rehearsal exercises, allowing you to vividly visualize your ideal performance. This process conditions your mind and body to execute the desired movements with precision, improving your muscle memory and increasing your chances of success. With consistent practice, the lines between visualization and reality blur, enabling you to perform at your best when it matters most. By training your mind to remain fully present during high-pressure situations, you will be able to react quickly, make better decisions, and execute your game plan flawlessly.


Imagery is another powerful tool and takes visualization to the next level by connecting to the five senses during hypnosis. Once the feeling of safe and secure place is established the client may uncover a presenting issue unknown to the client. This self discovery journey is recommended for the star athlete who can’t get out of a slump. Often, athletes find themselves limited by negative thoughts, self-doubt, or anxiety. Top sport hypnosis provides you with valuable tools to overcome these mental barriers. Through deep relaxation and focused subconscious reprogramming, we can help you develop a winning mindset, boost your confidence, and eliminate any mental obstacles that might hinder your performance.


During hypnosis we can also create physical, emotional, and intellectual key words which serve as anchors during competition. These anchor words and physical movements connect the body to the subconscious which has been aligned to your goals or presenting issues. This is how positive change is made during hypnosis. We teach our clients how to reach this state, which others refer to as “flow’ or “in the zone” during competition.

The elusive state of flow is where athletes achieve true peak performance. This highly sought-after mental state allows you to effortlessly perform at your best, with superior focus, heightened awareness, and an effortless sense of timing. Top sport hypnosis can help you access this optimal state more frequently and maintain it for more extended periods. By training your mind to enter the flow state at will, you will unlock unparalleled consistency and reach levels of performance you may have never thought possible.

Self-Hypnosis and Meditation

Learning the power of self-hypnosis and meditation is a tool athletes can use daily to reinforce the anchors or visualization techniques introduced during your hypnosis sessions. Once mastered this can be used before competition or even during breaks to calm and refocus the mind to align with the body for peak performance. Incorporating them into your pre-game routine, training regimens, and daily life will build the mental resilience and focus needed to excel in sports.

Peak Performance

Top Sport Hypnosis also helps with diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management to enhance peak athletic performance. By integrating hypnosis into their regimen for positive habit and behavior change, athletes unlock their full potential and optimize their overall athletic performance.


By targeting deeply rooted beliefs and behaviors, hypnosis can help athletes overcome cravings for unhealthy foods and develop a strong commitment to fueling their bodies with nutrient-dense options. Through skilled guidance and suggestions, hypnosis empowers athletes to make conscious choices that align with their performance goals, ensuring they achieve the best possible nutrition for competition.


Athletes can tap into their subconscious mind and unlock hidden potential, allowing them to push their physical boundaries. By reinforcing positive beliefs, visualizations, and mental rehearsals during hypnosis sessions, athletes can enhance their focus, motivation, and self-confidence when it comes to exercise.


Hypnosis aids in improving sleep quality and duration, ensuring athletes achieve the restorative rest necessary for recovery and rejuvenation. It relaxes the body, calms the mind, and promotes deep and restful sleep. When athletes sleep well, they feel refreshed and can perform their best in training and competition.


Hypnosis manages stress by providing athletes with effective coping mechanisms, reducing performance anxiety and enhancing mental resilience. Guided meditation, visual imagery, and progressive muscle relaxation are just some of the techniques to quiet the mind and body for optimal performance.

Why Hypnosis?

What do Tiger Woods, Wayne Gretzky, Micheal Jordan, Mike Tyson and Novak Djokovic all have in common other than being the collective GOATS in professional sports? They all used hypnosis for mental training to enhance their sport performance. Are you ready to improve your athletic performance? Discover the secret tool used by top athletes all over the world.

Start Your Journey today with a free 20 minute phone consultation

Join Top Sport Hypnosis today and experience the transformative power of hypnosis for yourself. We will guide you every step of the way, tailoring the program to your specific needs and goals.

Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.
— Henry Ford